why you must brand your purpose

"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." — Mark Twain

Most people die without ever knowing their purpose.

This is incredibly sad.

It’s like the most precious gift imaginable… gone to waste.

You are a truly unique one of a kind manifestation of the universe. In all of eternity no one like you will ever exist again.

The very reason you are here is to express your unique gifts and share them with the world. This is how the universe can know itself, through you.

But what typically happens instead is people get caught up in status games and chase money instead of purpose.

The irony is, by doing this you are depriving yourself of the ultimate wealth which is found within yourself.

Money and fame is nothing but a mirage that will never satisfy and will always have you chasing more and more.

The only thing that will truly ever fulfill you is finding your purpose. The reason you were put on this earth.

So how do we find our purpose?

The answer is simple yet most people will never do this.

It’s by looking within.

You find it by reflecting on the things that excited you in your childhood. The things that you are naturally good at.

Oftentimes we know what our purpose is deep down, but we refuse to acknowledge it. Often we don’t see how we will make money from our purpose.

But this is the beauty of living in this modern age. We can monetize nearly anything these days.

By building a personal brand you can now attract the right people towards you who you best can serve with your unique gifts.

And the best part, you don’t have to worry about competition. No one can compete with your unique gifts and what you uniquely offer the world.

Finding that one thing that excites you and that people also want is how you build a purpose driven brand.

It won’t be easy to find that one unique thing you can offer the world, but when you do you will come from a place of authenticity and power.

We truly live in unique times where you have all the tools you need to actualize your purpose on a large scale.

It’s my hope you seize this opportunity and step into the purpose you were called to do.

Until next time,


Practical Application

Answer these questions truthfully and you will be on your path towards purpose.

  • Who am I?

  • What do I love to do?

  • How can I best serve?

  • Who can I serve?

  • What transformation will happen as a result of my service?


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