the world is waking up

"The secret of life is to die before you die – and find that there is no death." - Unknown

We live in interesting times.

The world is changing at a pace we’ve never seen before

There is a mass global awakening happening as we speak. Everyday more and more people are waking up to their spiritual nature.

And while this is a good thing it also comes with confusion and uncertainty.

Spirituality is not an easy topic to grasp since it can be pretty abstract. I certainly had a lot of difficulty understanding what spirituality even was when I first had my awakening.

So I started reading about it in books. I watched YouTube videos about it. I tried to rationally understand what was going on but it got me nowhere.

It confused me even more.

It was not until I finally started a mediation practice I started to catch glimpses of what spirituality meant.

At first the benefits were subtle and included better emotional management and feeling less stressed.

But with time I started to develop and type of detachment. A form of acceptance of what was. I didn’t fight with the universe anymore.

This was the beginning of my surrender journey.

I still had some attachments and I still do. But as I’ve taken my spiritual practice more and more seriously I have started to feel as if the universe is on my side.

Even in situations that might be perceived as bad, I still feel a trust that things will work out for the better.

It’s this trust that I have built with the universe that has taken to where I am today.

It’s hard to explain but it’s something you’ll have to experience for yourself.

It’s my hope that I can inspire you to start taking your spiritual practice more seriously.

Just like going to the gym it takes time before you see results. But I can assure you, the results are real and worth the effort spent.

The internet has given us the opportunity to communicate with millions of people around the world. Like a big nervous system, new parts of consciousness can be awakened by the information that is transmitted on the internet.

But it hinges on the fact that each one of us that receives the information also

practically applies it. Otherwise it will be of no value.

If you are not sure where to start or want someone to talk to about these things my DMs are always open over at X (@thenicsilver).

Until next time,


Practical Application

  • Find a free meditation resource online to learn how to meditate.

  • Start a daily meditation practice for 2-5 minutes.


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