3 steps to becoming a renaissance creator
The Renaissance era marked the end of the Middle Ages in the 14th century.
The Middle Ages had been a dark chapter in human history characterised by a cultural, economical and intellectual decline.
The renaissance was a turning point. A sharp contrast to its preceding era. One could describe it as the reflurishing of the human spirit.
A thirst for knowledge and freedom of thought all contributed to an environment where art, science, math and engineering could mingle freely.
This gave rise to some of the most mesmerising pieces of art and noteworthy scientific discoveries that we still look back at with admiration and fascination.
Today we are seeing the dawn of a new renaissance era.
Back then the renaissance emerged out of the Middle Ages. Today we emerge out of remnants of The Industrial Age which also to some degree was characterised by a decline in culture and intellect.
Even if we’ve moved out of the Industrial Age our modern education system still reflects the intellectual decline that took place during this period.
Back then education was reformed to meet the needs of that era. Obedient factory workers were in demand, not great thinkers. Efficiency and functionality took priority over beauty and intellectual excellence.
This also marked the beginning of rampant consumerism and materialism that brought about a slow spiritual death in the process. The consequences of this echos stronger than ever before today.
As seen throughout history, all eras eventually comes to an end. We are now seeing a mass awakening on a global scale as we are entering a new Renaissance that is taking place online. A Neo-Renaissance if you will.
This shift is happening gradually so the effects of this shift might not be felt strongly right now, but they soon will.
I personally believe a big shift is taking place. One that will bring us into a new era of abundance, innovation and evolution at an unprecedented scale. But the these fruits will only be enjoyed by those who embrace this new era and do not cling to the old.
For those who embrace the lifestyle of the renaissance creator a new exiting world awaits.
But what does it mean to be a renaissance creator?
The blueprint to becoming a Renaissance creator is luckily pretty straight forward and can be broken down into 3 steps.
Step 1: Physical Activity
The body is the temple in which the mind and spirit lives.
To neglect or abuse the body is to plant your seeds in unfertile soil. One cannot grow a great intellect and creative spirit without fertile grounds.
So how do you go about this practically?
By exercising your body.
Some of the greatest thinkers in history were also very physically active.
Nikola Tesla used to hike and swim.
Teddy Roosevelt used to train boxing regularly.
I personally prefer the gym, kickboxing and some light yoga.
It doesn’t matter what you choose, as long as you move your body.
It can something as simple as going on a brisk walk everyday.
In addition to exercise a clean diet is also necessary. Again, pick something that suits you.
I’m not here to preach what diet is superior. We are all different. Experiment and find out what works for you.
Step 2: Consume Content
Garbage in, garbage out.
Simple as that.
To be a great creator, you need to be a consumer of great content.
Don’t listen to people who claim consumption is bad. This is terrible advice.
All the greats in history have been ravenous consumers as a result of their thirst for knowledge.
Let your natural curiosities guide you when choosing content to consume. If you do this you can’t go wrong!
In addition to consumption contemplation is vital. Consumption alone can lead to mindlessly adopting others ideas.
There is such a thing as reading oneself stupid.
Think about what you read. See it from many different angles. Don’t get to attached to one idea. This is the hallmark of a great thinker.
Step 3: Create
To be a Renaissance creator you must create something of your own (duh!).
So what should you create?
Well that is entirely up to you!
What do you like?
There are so many different creative avenues to go down. Music, writing, making videos, or maybe podcasts?
Ideally it should be linked to what you consume. That way you get to put what you learn into action.
I love to write and make music. These are my two biggest passions which I engage in daily. This brings me great fulfilment.
It’s important to realise that even if you have found something you love its not going to be rainbow and roses everyday.
Creative work is just that. Work.
But in the end, there is nothing more satisfying than to see your own creations through to the end.
I personally believe expressing ourselves creativity is our true nature. We are creative beings. And I believe that’s why it feels so good to create.
The Beginning of a New Era
We are truly living in amazing times.
I know, many people complain and say we are living in end times. And they are right. We are witnessing the death of an old era.
But on the flip side we are seeing the birth of a new one.
This process is messy. It’s to be expected.
But I believe something beautiful awaits on the other side of the chaos we are experiencing.
We are seeing rapid growth and innovation at a rate never before seen in human history.
The creative spirit is again celebrated and creative thought is in high demand.
This shift will greatly benefit the Renaissance creator.
Those who cling to the old will struggle. Those who let go and embrace the new will thrive.
Simple as that.
It’s my hope and greatest wish that you take full advantage of the opportunity that is here now.
Only one question remains…
Will you embrace the way of the Renaissance creator
Until next time,