the demonic secret to creative genius

Are you really in control of who you truly are? Is there a higher force at play guiding your every step?

These questions have puzzled creatives and thinkers alike for centuries. And as I have explored them for myself it has led me into the realms of spirituality, mysticism and ancient teachings.

My quest for creative excellence has led me down a path I could never have imagined in my wildest dreams.

Along the way I stumbled upon one of the greatest secrets to creative genius, but also the most misunderstood: the daimon.

My Quest for Creative Excellence

From a young age creativity fascinated me.

To me creating something out of nothing was pure magic. Whether that would be creating a melody on my guitar or a painting on blank canvas. The creative process was endlessly fascinating to me.

This mystery led me to seek answers from other artists. Maybe by observing other artists at work could I get a glimpse of their creative genius?

The further I went into my investigation one thing became apparent, that which I create doesn’t come from me. It comes from something higher than me.

This was a startling realisation to have. It reframed the way I viewed the creative process. Had I been channeling my creations all this time? Had I been tuning into something higher as I was creating?

I’d heard artists like John Frusciante talk about this before. At first I wrote it off as non-sense. But as I dove deeper into my investigations I came to understand that there was some truth to what he was saying.

Possessed Artists

As my investigations continued I came across big artists talking about their alter ego. Or some would refer to an “external entity” responsible for their best ideas.

Jay-Z and Eminem both talked about an entity they referred to as the rain man.

Beyoncé was talking about her alter ego Sasha.

They all credit their success to these alter egos or entities.

Beyoncé for example stated that she could never do what Sasha does on stage. She claimed that she is far too reserved to any of what Sasha does.

Jay-Z claims that when he connects with rain man the words just flow out of him effortlessly.

This has led many to believe that these artists have sold their soul to the devil.

The lore of musicians selling their soul to the devil for fame and talent have been around for a long time. There is a prevailing myth of blues musicians meeting up with the devil at midnight at a crossroad. There they make pact where the musicians trade in their soul for superhuman talent, fame and riches.

Bob Dylan has famously stated in an interview that he was upholding his end of a deal when asked about why he was still touring at such an old age.

He enigmatically stated that the chief commander had granted him his success. That he simply was following through on the agreement that had been made.

This obviously raised a lot of questions. Was he referring to the devil?

Or were they referring to something else? Maybe they were referring to a higher creative entity known as the daimon?

What the Hell is a Daimon Anyway?

One of the first people in recorded history to refer to his personal daimon was Socrates. He described it as an inner voice guiding him throughout life.

In simple terms, a daimon can be defined as an entity that acts as a link between the human realm and the world of the divine. It’s neither human nor a God, it’s in-between.

But often when people hear the word daimon they will most likely think of the word demon. So people might assume that Socrates was possessed by an evil spirit of some sort.

But that would not be accurate.

Throughout history the concept of a daimon has been heavily distorted, especially by Christianity.

The early Christian church had a strong emphasis on dividing things into good or evil. It was very black and white. The nature of a daimon is more ambivalent and goes beyond the concepts of good and evil. It’s simply a force of nature.

Because of this the daimon was put into the category of evil.

But you might still be scratching your head wondering what a daimon is. It all sounds a bit vague.

In simple terms, a daimon can be viewed as a higher version of yourself. .

In the book “The Holy Daimon” by Frater Archer, the author gives a great analogy of the daimon.

Imagine a doctor operating on a patient using a camera to navigate the body and locating the source of an illness. In this analogy the body would be the world, you would be the camera and the doctor would be your daimon.

This analogy makes the role of the daimon evident. It also becomes evident who has the bigger picture of what is going. The doctor in this case understand what is wrong with the patient and is using you, the camera to navigate the body. As a small ego you can only see and make sense of what is right in front of you.

Hopefully by now you can see what a profound impact connecting with your daimon would have. Yet connecting with your personal daimon is something few people ever accomplish. But when they do, they are often celebrated as geniuses.

Few people will ever walk the path to connect with their daimon. And even fewer will successfully do so.

Case Study: Aurora

Of all artist I have studied in pursuit of creative excellence one in particular stands out and that is the Norwegian artist Aurora.

In my opinion she has reached creative excellence on par with some of the greatest artists. When you first listen to her, you are gripped by her stunning pure and clear voice. But what really stand out to me is her live performances.

During her live performances you can clearly see her being overtaken by the music. It looks like she gives herself up completely to become one with the music she is performing.

It’s almost as if the person Aurora disappears to allow something beyond her ego to take charge. Her movements are often involuntary and flow with the emotions she is conveying through her music.

Whenever she has finished her performances you can see her returning to her normal state of consciousness.

I also think her back story is incredible and leaves clues to not only her amazing creative abilities, but also her rise to fame.

Born and raised in rural small village town next to a fjord she was raised in nature. She never dreamed of becoming an artist and just wrote music for fun.

Her success came out of nowhere when someone posted Aurora performing live at a school concert and her management found her by chance. It all seemingly happened “automatically” without any effort on her part.

It’s clear that she is not only talented, but also spiritually gifted. She understand the world in a way that exceeds far beyond her age.

The question then becomes, did she connect with her daimon?

I would advise anyone interested in this topic to check out her live performances and decide for yourself.

The Price of Creative Genius

The concept of the daimon is a fascinating topic for anyone who is interested in creativity. However, it’s definitely not for everyone.

The obtainment of creative genius can come at a high price and that price could be your sanity.

We’ve all heard there’s a fine line between madness and genius. This definitely holds true in the quest for the daimon.

This letter is only meant to give you an introduction to the concept of the daimon. If you found this interesting I would advise you to explore the concept on your own.

Everyone’s path will look different and I can therefore not go any further here.

With that said, that’s all I have for today.

Until next time,



from starving artist to thriving artist


flow: unleash your full potential